Cairns Gourmet

People come to Cairns for the spectacular Great Barrier Reef. While you're here you'll want to eat, drink, and be merry. My blog will give you the low down on the restaurant, dining, and local bar scene. I've got no connection with the local industry other than as a consumer, so I'll give you an objective opinion. Contact me by commenting on the reviews and I'll post answers on the site. All images and material on this site are subject to the copyright of carinsgourmet.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Final Post

Hi everyone, we know that there has been a delay and a bit of lag in posting of late, and the reason for that is that we are no longer in Cairns as often as we would like. As such, there wont be any more posts to this blog, however people may find the reviews (although of course they will now become dated) of some value for some time yet. So, we will leave them up and we hope that they can provide some useful information about where to go, and where to avoid while on holiday in Cairns.

It's been a pleasure undertaking the research and writing reviews for you all to enjoy. Thanks to all of you for your feedback, comments, and criticism, it's all helped to make this a better blog.


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